Cashless parking

As transactions across the world increasingly become cashless and digital, setting up cashless parking is crucial to operators looking to future-proof their business.

Cashless parking has blown up in recent years, especially after the pandemic that made touchless, digital transactions the norm. Parking through an app is now commonplace with plenty of parking apps available for drivers to choose from. Less than 16% of parkers prefer to pay with cash, a testament to how cash payments are slowly being phased out of society.

The benefits of cashless parking

Cashless parking removes the whole ordeal where you have to exit the car or stick your hand out of the window to get a ticket. It prevents cars from lining up in your lanes in front of the ticket dispenser and effectively speeds up and simplifies the process of paying for parking.

Smart parking management software also helps operators keep track of all their parking activity in one place. Apps are an easy way for operators to inform the parkers about their operating hours, parking rates and rules, offers and more. People can use the app to find, book and pay for parking, with added perks like lightning-fast access via LPR/RFID and possibly digital permits that makes the process even faster.

While parking apps are a great way to set up cashless access, the fastest and easiest way to set up cashless parking is easily the QR code. With QR technology, parkers can just scan to pay through a web app, without having to download a dedicated parking app to their devices. They can manage their sessions, extend their stay and pay online securely all from the comforts of their browsers.

Get My Parking helps you set up cashless parking in no time.

Here’s how our platform can upgrade your location:

  • Perfect the parking experience
    A white-labeled app to set up cashless parking and payments in your location.
  • Go app-less with QR - scan and pay
    Parkers scan a QR code to pay online on a white-labeled web app.
  • Lightning-fast access
    Our PlugNPlay solutions retrofit, automate and digitize your traditional equipment.
  • Maximize your earnings
    Our powerful admin tools optimize your parking operations and boosts ROI.

Get My Parking's scalable smart parking platform is designed to set up cashless parking for you at pocket-friendly prices.